Painted Numbered Stairs

Stairway Heaven

I am a TOTAL sucker for stair runners, I mean, they truly make me weak in the knees (not an ideal condition for climbing stairs, LOL) but these "creative decor" ideas for your stairway, make putting in a runner seem like a cop-out (well, not really but they do put up quite a fight).  They also seem to earn points in the financial category, as I have this completely unsupported notion that stair runners are expensive... Are they?  In all honesty, I've never looked into it, but because they look so classy, I've just always assumed they'd be an element that would break the bank.  Anyway, whether they are affordable or are not, these stair decor ideas are pretty legit in their own right and many of them seem pretty doable for any level DIY-er.  

Have a look up and down at 'em: 

Song Lyrics Painted Stairway.jpg
I'm certainly not opposed to painting one's stairs like a runner...

I'm certainly not opposed to painting one's stairs like a runner...

Skittles Stairs.. Taste the rainbow!

Skittles Stairs.. Taste the rainbow!

XOXO this! ;)

XOXO this! ;)

Blue and Yellow Stairs.jpg
An OCDer's dream..

An OCDer's dream..

I may never stop ogling over ombre (sigh)

I may never stop ogling over ombre (sigh)

I can't say I'd want this in my  house but I won't deny credit for ingenuity.

I can't say I'd want this in my  house but I won't deny credit for ingenuity.

This incites a 90's flashback... but truthfully, it's kind of "growing" on me, hee hee

This incites a 90's flashback... but truthfully, it's kind of "growing" on me, hee hee

This is the "key" to the upstairs

This is the "key" to the upstairs

Count it!  This ombre banister is making me green with envy!

Count it!  This ombre banister is making me green with envy!

Wallpaper Stairs.jpg
Cheron Stair Runner Staircase.jpg
Another "faux runner"

Another "faux runner"

Black and White Stairs.jpg

And last, but definitely not least, this one might have "climbed the ladder" to my #1 favorite: 

Rainbow Painted Stairs.jpg

Happy Hump Day, everyone!  You've made it up the hill and it's downhill from here! 

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