We've heard it too many times before... There's something about the thought of sitting down and figuring out the right template, deciding what your content should be, learning the ways of the website builder tool you've selected and trying not throw your computer out the window, that causes the mere thought of getting started to simmer at a low heat on the back burner like a yummy sauce that draws out the flavors the longer it sits... But wait! This isn't a yummy sauce, this is your website! The window front for your business and those flavors are actually anxieties because you needed it to be attracting customers, like, last month! And now it all just feels so overwhelming and you resent the fact that you still have to get it done and you're busy and basically, ugh!
but guess what?!
WE'RE HERE TO HELP! We feel that building your website doesn't have to be a begrudging task and a frustrating experience at best... We actually believe it can and should be fun! That's why we created a 2-day "Day Camp" to help you build your website in a weekend!

Technically speaking, this isn't your typical wilderness camp but let's be real, the internet is a jungle! Luckily, our camp leaders are trained and equipped to help you navigate through whatever obstacles you may encounter in your website building process. We're here to help you learn how to use the Squarespace tools, decipher the map of Squarespace and master the skills needed to survive out there in the world wide web once you leave the class. By the end of camp, you'll be crossing the threshold of your new home on the web as one happy camper!
Squarespace Expert
Keeley is a Squarespace O.G. and started working with the platform back in 2012. She has helped many a struggling Squarespacer wade through the tricky waters of building a website. She has also been known to "dabble" in web programming and UX design. Beautiful websites make her soul smile and putting a website to a business gives her the same satisfaction of putting a face to a name... you know that feeling! She also fancies herself as an SEO expert, having to learn by necessity back in the late 2000's when a website that someone had built for her, had its big launch date, only to receive zero visitors for months. From that day forward, she vowed to never again let that happen.
Eric Rippin is our resident photographer who has a knack for turning anyone on the other side of the camera into a model. He also photographs professional models so he knows all the tricks of the trade. Eric is always honing his photography across all different mediums and makes it a point to stay current on techniques, trends and best practices. He is also set up to photograph product pieces, vignettes, spaces, landscape and film video. We call him Eric-Of-All-Trades, because when it comes to photography, he is! Eric offers discount pricing on Camp day to attendees looking for fresh content for their website (bio headshots, product photos, video, etc).
Caitlin McCarthy has been making things look pretty since she was little. Her background is in interior design but that's not where her design expertise ends. A seasoned marksman when it comes to color, balance, continuity and style, she is also the fastest Photoshopper in the West, an Illustrator sharpshooter and a gif-slingin' force to be reckoned with. While she's an Annie Oakley of design, to you, she's like your website's fairy godmother because she can turn an otherwise drab site into fab site in the blink of an eye. She can help make your site pop, enhance photos, consult on colors, select fonts, layout, branding and overall look and feel, all at a steal!

Day 1 is all about getting aquainted! We'll get to know each other (because camp is most definitely also about making new friends), figure out what your website is going to look like, feel like and convey to its visitors. Our graphic design counselor will also be making a celebrity guest appearance and will offer complimentary consultations to each camper on ways to distinguish your unique site and make it pop! We'll also become intimately familiar with the Squarespace platform, SEO best practices and other niche topics through optional mini workshops. Additionally, campers will be able to sign up for photography or graphic design slots for Day 2. We will wrap up Day 1 with a clear vision about what needs to be done and exactly how to get it all done!
Day 2 kicks off by hitting the ground running! It's a relay race to the end of camp and crossing the finish line is our numero uno goal! On Day 2 our graphic design and photography counselors will be at camp and taking appointments and our Squarespace expert will be going around answering questions and helping campers one-on-one to get their sites in order and lookin' super fly! Camp concludes on Day 2 with our camp talent show and after party where anyone who wants to participate (optional) can showcase their completed or close-to-completed site, receive all the acolades they no doubt deserve and give themselves a big 'ol pat on the back as we toast with some champs to getting their website off of the back burner and beautifully plated on to the internet!
Sign up below to find out about new camp dates once they are released:
Why Squarespace and is it the only platform taught at camp?
Yes. We believe Squarespace is the best platform for all types of business websites due to its curated designer templates and a user-friendly interface that, once you get the hang of it, makes it easy and low-maintenance to manage your online business needs in an efficient and effective way! We feel it is the most versatile and universal platform for the largest range of business types. Additionally, because we have so much to go over about the Squarespace platform alone, we feel that in order to give adequate explanation, it will take up the entire camp time. We also believe that teaching multiple platforms with completely different interfaces, methods and styles, leads to over-complication and confusion, which is why we've selected our top pick -> Squarespace!
What do I need to bring to Camp?
A laptop, a smile and a kick-ass, take-names attitude! It will also be helpful for you to bring prep work which we will tell you about in an email that will be sent to you prior to camp.
Does the workshop include any fees charged by Squarespace?
No. The workshop cost includes only the instruction, experience and help. Any fees charged by Squarespace are not covered by the class (domains, hosting, email address, photo licensing, etc). Additionally, graphic design or photography services available at the camp are additional. These services are optional and offered to camp attendees at a reduced rate.
Is the class refundable if I can't make it?
Unfortunately, no. There are no refunds or transfer of ticket for another event. If you are uanble to attend, you may pass your ticket along to someone else, if you are able to find someone or if the class is sold out and there are people on the waiting list.
Does it matter what stage of building my website I am in?
Nope! The workshop is beneficial for anyone from not even having a template (beginner) to people that are fairly far along in their process and just have questions (advanced).