Do you know what I realized when I was researching for this post? That I am really picky when it comes to game rooms! Who knew? I actually spoke aloud the following question during my search: "Is a girly game room too much to ask?" Apparently, yes.
I was initially inspired to write this post based on the following photo, from Urban Grace Interiors …
Mmm Hmm. Delightful! But now, after going through all of my go-to’s for photos and coming up short in finding a few game rooms that appealed to me, I can now officially attest to the rarity of softer, feminine-incorporated game rooms.
I guess I just feel like the heavy oak, man cave style game room is SO OVERDONE and the futuristic modern game room is kind of cold and arcade-like (and maybe also for kids?).. Which is not the feeling I want in my home... BUT I do realize that is a probably just a specific taste thing and any guys reading this post right now are probably feeling adamantly opposed to the words that are on their screen right now. But here you go men, fair warning foreshadowing.
Not bad, per se, just a bit masculine and dare I say it, uninspired..?
Sorry, but no.
I should probably also mention here that I covered my parent’s pool table (the green felt-y part) with gold glitter as a mere middle schooler. Why would I do such a thing, you ask?! Allow me to explain. One day, as a youth, I was walking past our pool table and had a bottle of gold glitter sparkles in my hand that I was going to put away in the craft closet (really trying to paint the picture here) and all of a sudden, I got a wild hair to just unleash them all over the pool table. Yes. I am a weirdo.
My dad, however, thought I was more than just weird… He was FURIOUS! Let. Me. Tell. You. But, even though he’ll never admit it, I think it’s kind of grown on him after all of these years and he’s developed a fondness for the eccentricity... Or maybe it just reminds him that he had two daughters and no sons and what a crazy ride that's been for him - which I like to imagine him thinking about in a sweet "dad" kind of way. And, if you ask me, the pool table needed a little more character and pizzazz and now, it looks FAAHHBULOUS!
The only downside to the glitter is that the balls roll a little slower than normal and you can’t escape a game without being covered head to toe in gold sparkles. But is that the worst thing, really?
(Surprisingly, there where no pictures online of what this looks like in person.. And I have no way of getting you a photo of the actual glitter induced table at this point in time.. So, use your imaginations!)
But anyway, those of you still in this with me, are in luck because I have scoured my resources and reserves and have managed to scrounge up a few stunning game room situations that aren’t your typical take:
Not a room but I don't care.. That table is to die for! You're welcome Evian for the free advertising.
Ok, also not a room but such an awesome patio scene. Apparently this is at the Chateau Marmont.. Shocking!
And my personal fave. How cute/unnecessary are those little spectator zebras?
Ok kids, there ya go. Now let the games begin!