As I work on pimpin' out my cocoon at le parent's house in Colorado, one of the spaces that needs tending to is this small little room that was converted from a bathroom into.. a small little room within my bedroom. It's kind of awesome though because it's perfect for a little "office" set up within my new "adult" bedroom. I just sent this rad old roll top desk I inherited away to be lacquered in a creamy white color (please don't hate on me for deciding to paint it), along with this vintage chair I found among the depths of my dad's old office furniture storage. We'll see how they come back, as the "lacquer guy" was a find from the ol' Craig.... More updates to follow on that, of course. But in the meantime, in keeping with the theme I've tried to adhere to this week (did you even notice?!) - "creative decor elements" - how's that for ironic, as there is certainly nothing creative about that theme? However, I have been trying to get the creative juices a-flowin for y'all through visual rather than verbal inspiration, so I guess you could say I'm off the hook with regards to creative banter? That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Anyway, today I want to shine the spotlight on creative home offices. There is quite a range of what is "acceptable" in a home office as opposed to what would fly as a legitimate office in which one would entertain clients. Although, I think that flexibility leaves the door for creativity WIDE OPEN.
So, enough with all the word vomit, geez... let's get down to "business!"
Boom. Starting off with a bang, if I do say! There is really nothing "home-y" about this home office. It gloms onto the glam in a major way! And I am lurving that bust. It seems to send the message not to mess with the person behind the desk - they've gotten "reinforcements." Negotiating is not exempt from home debates.
I have admired the above office for far too long. My seester's business partner used to work for the designer of these delectable digs, Tamara Kaye-Honey, of House of Honey Design.
I'm sure if you've been on the internet before, or television, or in a grocery store, you have heard of this notorious family called... "The Kardashians?" If so, you've also probably seen this office before, since you're obviously someone interested in home decor if you're reading this blog. If neither of these scenarios apply to you, let me enlighten you. This is the home office of Khloe Kardashian that resides in the home she shares used to share with former NBA player/meth head, Lamar Odom. (Too mean?) The silver lining to the whole thing being the fact that she gets to do work in this office, obviously!
"Fresh-faced and bright" is a phrase I would use to describe a lot of the home office styles that seem to be trending as of late, and it's easy to see why! Bright colors and white evoke a sense of purity and happiness... "And happy people just don't kill their husbands" (Name That Quote: Legally Blonde)... but for real, feeling happy makes doing work seem a lot less sad. True story.
More examples of the bright and white office look:
And some not as bright but still white:
The following is actually a photo from the J. Crew Bridal Boutique office but I'm sure you'll agree to an exception in this case:
I knew you'd come around!
Love the roll of butcher paper at the end of the table. This room actually won the "2012 House of the Year: Home Office" award from Country Living. Not surprising.
I DIE over this Mary McDonald stunner:
Channeling Carrie Bradshaw with the desk facing the window action going on in the next one:
What home office doesn't need a bar table in the vicinity?
I like these next ones because they're not totally shut off from the rest of the house but are private enough to be able to concentrate:
Or opposite of that:
Don't have an extra room for an office? Use a closet.
Most Creative prize goes to:
And now for some real fun:
Christopher Burch, Tori Burch's ex and founder of C. Wonder's office
Pssst! If you're looking for a comfy yet fun chair for your home office, I happen to know of a few:
Buy it here
Buy it here
Woohoo! Tomorrow's Friday, people, so you best be gettin' your work done manana so you ain't werking for the weekend, you know what I mean??