"I used to read Word Up magazine, Salt-N-Pepa and Heavy D up in the limousine. I let my tape rock 'til my tape popped."
... And then I woke up and realized it wasn't just a dream - it was reeeeal life!
Now, not to employ the "humble brag" but to 100% totally brag as humbly as I can get away with: my Coachella crew ("Coachillin") as we've dubbed ourselves, scored some invites to the "notorious" Lacoste pool party this year. It's a "dream" come true! Altho', as psyched as I am, it's a loaded invitation as one is not only invited to attend but also to "bring it." BUT since I am not one to shirk on my responsibilities... oh, it will be BROUGHT. "And if you don't know, now you know..." #RIPbiggie
It took some scrambling on my part but I've finally compiled my pool party look and believe me, y'all - it is so fetch. Now, I'm going to preface my reveal with the admission that those of you who know me in person can attest to: I don't like to go somewhere and not make a statement - especially not this star-studded shindig! So, here's what I've been cooking up:
Get 'em HERE.
Get it HERE.
Get 'sum HERE.
So fresh, right? And dare I say, "JUICY"? LOL.
Now, just in case you were looking to source some hot desert pool party styles for yourselves but you're not willing to show up looking like a piece of fruit (or you prefer seedless ;) - I've got you covered (actually, not literally but who's objecting?). I was drooling over these smokin' swimsuits before I made my final call:
Get it HERE.
Get it HERE.
Get it HERE.
Get it HERE.
Get it HERE.
Get it HERE.
I'm excited to get a little fruity as I bake in the scorching heat but moreover, since I've yet to meet someone who didn't swoon over a slice of cool watermelon on a hot summer day, I'm expecting to be the life of the party! See what I did there?
Oh, and this post "is dedicated to all the teachers that told me I'd never amount to nothing. To all the people that lived above the buildings that I was hustling in front of.
It's all good, baby baby! "